====================================================================== Title : FEAR! (version 1.1 - improved dukematch playability) NOTE - Look for 666.ZIP at http://www.elitegames.com/duke3d The GREATEST single player map ever made. Author : NIKOS K. E-mail : kotounks@mac20.bronxlab.unimi.it please send me your opinion Description : An abandoned manor house,dark corners,damp cellars with rotten walls...a sense of anguish,a claustrophobic fear...your enemies could be hiding in shadow...and there is no exit in this doomed house p.s: the strongest weapons are difficulto to reach or to find So you have to use your brain and bravery to win! Additional Credits to : jAsOn for his presence...in my nightmares Beate che non se la mena se faccio il bacchettone sul pc ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : N/A Single Player : No DukeMatch Level : YES Difficulty Settings : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Build Known Bugs : it's a build's bug:if you break a lamp(sprite),the light effects will not disappear * Other maps * 666.zip: don't miss it. * Copyright / Permissions * You can't modify anything in these maps. You MAY distribute this MAP (fear!.MAP), however the hell you want, but include THIS note (fear!.TXT) and ALL the stuff in the zip. ===========================================================================